Interesting Facts About Chiropractic Treatment

Hello, my name is Jon and this is my joint and back pain blog. I live in Sydney with my wife and our four wonderful kids. Last year, I became very unwell. I woke up one day and discovered that my back was very sore. I thought it was just down to the fact that I had been doing a lot of gardening but over the next few weeks, my joints also began to hurt. My friend suggested that I visit a chiropractor. I booked an appointment and began treatment. After 12 weeks of treatment I have never felt better.

Interesting Facts About Chiropractic Treatment

Interesting Facts About Chiropractic Treatment

22 June 2021
, Blog

What does the number 125 have to do with chiropractic care? Well, this is the number of years that chiropractic treatment has been in existence. Over this period, many patients have benefited from chiropractic care, and the number continues to rise as more people discover its benefits. However, it does not change the fact that most people still do not understand certain aspects regarding chiropractic treatment. This article highlights exciting facts about chiropractic treatment.

A Popping Sound Is Gas, Not Bones Cracking — You must have come across chiropractic treatment videos over the internet. One characteristic of the videos is the popping noise a patient's joints make during chiropractic adjustments. Most people think that the noise comes from bones cracking. While the popping noise is interesting to some patients, the thought of bones cracking during treatment is scary for others. However, professional chiropractic treatment does not involve bone cracking. Instead, the popping sound comes from gas trapped between joints. The gas is released from joints as a chiropractor administers adjustments.

There Is A Better Chance Of Preventing Spinal Injury — Spinal injuries can be debilitating, but most people do not know that minor injuries can lead to severe spinal cord issues. Unfortunately, many people don't understand that the first professional they should see in case of a back injury is a chiropractor. Most patients prefer to see a family doctor, who might recommend painkillers or support devices, such as joint braces, to manage the issue. However, making a chiropractor your second point of contact after an accident reduces your risk of severe injury. Therefore, it is advisable to see a chiropractor as soon as possible to prevent spinal injuries. A chiropractor will be able to identify a problem and correct it. You may even not need painkillers or joint support devices.

Newborns Can Receive Chiropractic Care — Most people agree that chiropractic care can be administered to a one-month-old infant. However, not many think that chiropractic treatment is safe for a newborn baby. There is the belief that a newborn's body cannot take the pulling and twisting of joints from an adult chiropractor. However, a newborn baby can benefit massively from chiropractic examination immediately after birth. The birthing process can take a toll on a newborn's body, and therefore, very gentle chiropractic care can ease any possible stresses on the spine and joint. It also helps identify musculoskeletal issues early.

About Me
Jon's Joint and Back Pain Blog

Hello, my name is Jon and this is my joint and back pain blog. I live in Sydney with my wife and our four wonderful kids. Last year, I became very unwell. I woke up one day and discovered that my back was very sore. I thought it was just down to the fact that I had been doing a lot of gardening but over the next few weeks, my joints also began to hurt. My friend suggested that I visit a chiropractor. I booked an appointment and began treatment. After 12 weeks of treatment I have never felt better.
