Why You Should Consider Some Chiropractic Care in the Later Stages of Pregnancy

Hello, my name is Jon and this is my joint and back pain blog. I live in Sydney with my wife and our four wonderful kids. Last year, I became very unwell. I woke up one day and discovered that my back was very sore. I thought it was just down to the fact that I had been doing a lot of gardening but over the next few weeks, my joints also began to hurt. My friend suggested that I visit a chiropractor. I booked an appointment and began treatment. After 12 weeks of treatment I have never felt better.

Why You Should Consider Some Chiropractic Care in the Later Stages of Pregnancy

Why You Should Consider Some Chiropractic Care in the Later Stages of Pregnancy

20 July 2017
, Blog

Pregnancy is an amazing experience for mothers and the healthcare industry is very focused on making it as enjoyable and safe as possible. There is a huge body of knowledge now related to the ideal form any pregnancy should take and doctors can advise the best course of action using case studies, knowledge and technological resources. In the later stages of pregnancy, it is advisable for mothers-to-be to go through some very specific exercises and activities and to make some adjustments, if needed. Although they may not be on your team yet, how can a chiropractor be particularly helpful in this type of situation?

Pelvic Exercises

As a baby grows in the womb, it will change its position to prepare for the ultimate delivery. Doctors know where the baby should be situated at each stage of its development and will often advise that the mother "helps" it to move as needed.

For example, it may be suggested that the mum adopts a crawling position on her hands and knees a couple of times per day, for up to ten minutes at a time. This will focus some pressure further down into the pelvis, by encouraging the baby to move anteriorly, using the force of gravity.

Spinal Adjustment

Because the position, function and shape of the pelvis are so important in this entire process, any misalignment can lead to the womb becoming misshaped and unable to properly support the baby. A misaligned spine or pelvis will cause the ligaments that surround the womb to become especially tense and tight. This can in turn stop the baby from moving as he or she should, into the ideal position.

A chiropractor can often help to restore normal function to the spine and the entire nervous system by different corrections. By doing so, the proper amount of elasticity and desired tension is restored in the womb and the baby will be allowed to turn if needed.

Examine Your Needs

It's a good idea to have a chat with a local chiropractor, who will in turn ask you about your health history and any other challenges you may have faced during the pregnancy. A full examination is crucial to determine the position of the baby and whether chiropractic adjustments could help.

All Hands on Deck!

As you will need as much support during the final stages of pregnancy as you can get, try bringing in a qualified chiropractor to your team.

About Me
Jon's Joint and Back Pain Blog

Hello, my name is Jon and this is my joint and back pain blog. I live in Sydney with my wife and our four wonderful kids. Last year, I became very unwell. I woke up one day and discovered that my back was very sore. I thought it was just down to the fact that I had been doing a lot of gardening but over the next few weeks, my joints also began to hurt. My friend suggested that I visit a chiropractor. I booked an appointment and began treatment. After 12 weeks of treatment I have never felt better.
