Four Natural Treatments for Psoriasis

Hello, my name is Jon and this is my joint and back pain blog. I live in Sydney with my wife and our four wonderful kids. Last year, I became very unwell. I woke up one day and discovered that my back was very sore. I thought it was just down to the fact that I had been doing a lot of gardening but over the next few weeks, my joints also began to hurt. My friend suggested that I visit a chiropractor. I booked an appointment and began treatment. After 12 weeks of treatment I have never felt better.

Four Natural Treatments for Psoriasis

Four Natural Treatments for Psoriasis

8 August 2017
, Blog

If you're suffering from psoriasis, you've probably tried a range of treatments. Some treatments may have offered relief but may also have caused adverse side effects. If you're now looking for natural treatments for your psoriasis that have fewer or no potential side effects, read on.

Take Probiotics

Sufferers of psoriasis are often found to have high amounts of inflammation-causing bacteria in their intestines. Probiotics add beneficial bacteria to your intestines and stimulate your body's T cells. Not only are T cells responsible for regulating your immune system, but also they are able to reduce inflammation. Probiotics also fight candida albicans -- a type of yeast thought to be a contributor to psoriasis.

Boost Your Vitamin D

Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, is a vital component in the fight against psoriasis. It's thought that patients with psoriasis are deficient in this essential vitamin, and this deficiency is associated with increased inflammation and severity of this disease. It's believed that improving levels of vitamin D benefits sufferers by reducing inflammation and skin cell growth. While exposing your skin to sunshine is the easiest way to get vitamin D, too much exposure can increase your risk of skin cancer. You can balance a reduced exposure to sunshine by eating foods naturally rich in or fortified with vitamin D. You can also boost your levels with supplements.

Eat a Heart-Healthy Diet

People with psoriasis are at an increased risk of heart disease. Heart disease like psoriasis is an inflammatory disease. Reducing inflammation is important when it comes to managing your psoriasis. Eating heart-healthy foods can keep your heart beating strongly and your skin intact. Scientific studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids found in high quantities in oily fish and flaxseed can slow heart disease and even prevent it. Interestingly, the good news doesn't end there for psoriasis sufferers -- research over the last 30 years has found that omega-3 supplements can improve symptoms such as redness and itching and reduce psoriasis severity.

See a Chiropractor

It's thought that chiropractic adjustments may offer psoriasis sufferers some relief. The theory is that subluxation (misalignment of spinal vertebrae) might be a cause of the disease. The misalignment is thought to have an effect on the nerves and blood supply to the intestinal tract resulting in a breakdown in the intestinal walls. As the intestinal walls fail, they leak toxins that end up in the bloodstream. This puts extra pressure on the kidneys which have to filter and expel the toxins from the body. The overloading of the kidneys results in the skin taking on the extra work of expelling toxins from the body. A chiropractor's aim is to improve the function of the nervous system so that the body can heal itself. Attention is paid to the areas of the spine/nervous system that affect kidney function. It's believed that improving kidney function will improve toxin removal and ultimately reduce strain on the skin.

About Me
Jon's Joint and Back Pain Blog

Hello, my name is Jon and this is my joint and back pain blog. I live in Sydney with my wife and our four wonderful kids. Last year, I became very unwell. I woke up one day and discovered that my back was very sore. I thought it was just down to the fact that I had been doing a lot of gardening but over the next few weeks, my joints also began to hurt. My friend suggested that I visit a chiropractor. I booked an appointment and began treatment. After 12 weeks of treatment I have never felt better.
