Three Natural Ways to Treat Your Child's Middle Ear Infection (Otitis Media)

Hello, my name is Jon and this is my joint and back pain blog. I live in Sydney with my wife and our four wonderful kids. Last year, I became very unwell. I woke up one day and discovered that my back was very sore. I thought it was just down to the fact that I had been doing a lot of gardening but over the next few weeks, my joints also began to hurt. My friend suggested that I visit a chiropractor. I booked an appointment and began treatment. After 12 weeks of treatment I have never felt better.

Three Natural Ways to Treat Your Child's Middle Ear Infection (Otitis Media)

Three Natural Ways to Treat Your Child's Middle Ear Infection (Otitis Media)

8 August 2017
, Blog

If your child has been suffering from recurrent middle ear infections, you may be feeling a little desperate. You may have tried antibiotics and found that they did not keep the infections away. Your ENT specialist may now be talking about surgery to insert grommets (small tubes used to drain fluids) into your child's ears. Would you like to try something different before committing to more antibiotics or a surgical procedure? Read on for information on three treatments that have been shown to improve otitis media.

Natural Ear Drops

For children who do not have ear tubes or a perforated eardrum, garlic ear drops can work wonders. If you're confident, you can have a go at making ear drops yourself. If you do, it is important to ensure that you filter the drops to remove all pieces of garlic from the liquid, as garlic can be irritating to the skin. If you'd rather not have a go yourself, there are many ready-made drops on the market. Follow the instructions that accompany the drops you buy.

Boosting Your Child's Immune System

It is the job of your child's immune system to fight the infections that they contract. For this to happen, it needs to be functioning at its optimal level. A healthy immune system is not only necessary for fighting contracted infections—it's your child's best defence too. Your child's immune system requires certain resources to keep it working at its optimal level—basic essential fatty acids, essential proteins, and vitamins and minerals all play a role.

The following nutrients are essential for a healthy immune system:

  • Vitamin C -- this helps the immune system's white blood cells to fight germs better.

  • Vitamin A -- this has been shown to reduce recurring ear infections.

  • Zinc -- this is a crucial mineral for an active and vigorous immune system.

Check with your child's physician before supplementing with any vitamins to ensure the correct dosage for your child's age and size.

Visiting a Children's Chiropractor

Many children have found relief from recurring ear infections by visiting a children's chiropractor. The chiropractic treatment is based on the belief that restrictions in lymphatic drainage from the middle ear plays a significant role in recurrent ear infections. The lymphatic drainage from the ear runs through the cervical lymph system and requires adequate muscle activity to ensure its flow. A chiropractor will examine your child to look for subluxation in their cervical spine. If a misalignment is found, the chiropractor will perform gentle adjustments to the spine, along with light neck massage to help unblock the ear and ensure adequate lymph drainage. Always look for a chiropractor who is qualified and experienced in pediatric chiropractic care.

You should always check with your child's doctor before trying alternative therapies. You need to ensure that there is nothing to contraindicate such treatments for your child.

About Me
Jon's Joint and Back Pain Blog

Hello, my name is Jon and this is my joint and back pain blog. I live in Sydney with my wife and our four wonderful kids. Last year, I became very unwell. I woke up one day and discovered that my back was very sore. I thought it was just down to the fact that I had been doing a lot of gardening but over the next few weeks, my joints also began to hurt. My friend suggested that I visit a chiropractor. I booked an appointment and began treatment. After 12 weeks of treatment I have never felt better.
