Regular Stretching Can Improve the Health of Your Back Muscles

Hello, my name is Jon and this is my joint and back pain blog. I live in Sydney with my wife and our four wonderful kids. Last year, I became very unwell. I woke up one day and discovered that my back was very sore. I thought it was just down to the fact that I had been doing a lot of gardening but over the next few weeks, my joints also began to hurt. My friend suggested that I visit a chiropractor. I booked an appointment and began treatment. After 12 weeks of treatment I have never felt better.

Regular Stretching Can Improve the Health of Your Back Muscles

Regular Stretching Can Improve the Health of Your Back Muscles

14 July 2020
, Blog

Your back is one of the most sensitive areas of your body. This is because back muscles provide support to your spine and contain dense nerve endings that transmit signals to and from the brain. For these reasons, maintaining the health of your back muscles is critical. There are many different ways of achieving this goal. Chiropractors recommend physical activity, proper diet, and avoiding injuries to the back area.

Another useful technique is to regularly stretch your back muscles. Stretching (in the right manner) builds resilience, improves blood flow, and prevents soreness along your spinal cord. However, you should be aware of the right way to stretch your back. Combining technique with timing is the best way of building healthy back muscles.   

Making your back more flexible

Stretching makes your muscles more flexible. This is because the tendons that attach to muscle tissue become elongated and thus can withstand a wider range of motion. In general, muscles along your back are short, stiff and tight. This natural design is meant to provide as much support as possible to your spinal cord. However, tightness also comes with its own drawbacks. It becomes easier to injure your back muscles if they become hyperextended from slips, falls or other accidents. Regular stretching elongates your back tissue while helping build resilience.  

Building durability/resilience

Speaking of resilience, stretching is a type of exposure therapy that teaches your muscles how to withstand movement. Light stretching over time builds muscle memory and toughens your tendons during the same process. This is why you might notice pain/soreness when you first get started with your stretching routine, after which the soreness goes away, and your back muscles become more resilient.

Some useful stretching routines include sit-ups, gently reaching for your toes while sitting down, and moving your waist around in a full circle. Start gently and increase intensity over time.

Improving blood circulation

Stretching is also a powerful technique for improving blood circulation along your back. Tight muscles may constrict arteries and slow down the movement of blood to specific areas. This, in turn, causes soreness, pain and weak muscles over time. Stretching opens up these tight areas to optimal blood flow, especially after experiencing a back-related injury.  

Preventing soreness and inflammation

People who don't engage in sufficient physical activity may experience soreness in the lower back area. Inflammation could also potentially arise from maintaining one position for prolonged periods. You can relieve soreness by stretching your back muscles and avoiding direct injuries.

For more information, contact a local chiropractor.

About Me
Jon's Joint and Back Pain Blog

Hello, my name is Jon and this is my joint and back pain blog. I live in Sydney with my wife and our four wonderful kids. Last year, I became very unwell. I woke up one day and discovered that my back was very sore. I thought it was just down to the fact that I had been doing a lot of gardening but over the next few weeks, my joints also began to hurt. My friend suggested that I visit a chiropractor. I booked an appointment and began treatment. After 12 weeks of treatment I have never felt better.
